Advertising on Google

We work with companies of all sizes and locations. Same as with Facebook, we audit and manage our customer’s existing Google accounts and create new ones. UPUP doesn’t only place your ad to Google, but leads it to the highest search positions in Europe, US, Australia, Canada and other regions.

We tailor campaign settings based on three components: 

1. Our customer wish, goals, visions, budget

2. UPUP optimisation tips

3. Day by day campaign data analysis. 

UPUP professionals support you in navigating away from unseen pitfalls and attaining the highest level of efficiency in your campaign output.

Small insights that we’ve got from years of practice help us with every tool’s adjustment. For instance, to increase Tracking Pixel performance we correct it during installation. This helps us monitor more specified conversions.

Data (CPM / CPC / CPS etc.) and Google Analytics tools help us to determine keywords that fit a campaign faster, helping us to not lose a valuable amount of budget and drive much value in return. 

To grow a successful business, action is needed…

If you are ready to try a new way, just press the button.